Squishy Baby B (or Bumble B as he may also be referred. My mom's new name for him) is great, measuring on time, heart rate of 180.
I'm so happy that he's doing great, but it still doesn't feel real to me yet. I want to snap out of this so bad!!! I haven't been taking my happy/anxiety meds. I keep forgetting. I think I should remember AND double up ;)
Baby A is even smaller. I guess she's dissolving or just looks so much tinier since Squishy Bumble B is getting so huge. My doctor said that she will just dissolve and just because she passed doesn't mean anything will happen to B. She said if I ever feel worried to just come in and they'd check the heartbeat. I told her I'd see her every day! She also wrote me a RX for Darvecet (sp?!) for these awful migraines. Whoop whoop!!
Here is the US pic. He's just hanging out upside down like a little monkey. Kinda looks like he's waving doesn't it??? :)

12 people that love me told me so:
katie- I am so happy that baby B is doing well. sending you a hug.
That is such great news!!! Yeah Bumble B!!! And super great office to check the heartbeat any time. Sorry you are feeling sick. So glad Baby B is doing well!
yay!!!!!!! that is such awesome news! I am glad B is ok!
*waving at Squishy* I'm glad everything welt well! Sorry you had such a rough morning. Here's hoping you'll be less pukey and headachy soon.
Great news!
Praise God!!! Keep on buzzing, Bumble B!!!!
I think he is very beautiful!!!!!! Love ya and praying for ya always!
Wooo that's awesome!! Well, the puking not so awesome, but I'm sure it makes you feel better...in a strange sort of way. ;-)
Yay what great news! Hope you feel a little better soon.
I am pleased Baby B is doing well. I am still so sorry for your loss of Baby A.
Yay for Baby B! I lost my daughter's twin early in my first pregnancy too, and everything turned out very well. Good luck!
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