This crappy scanner does zero justice. It's much more obvious on the real picture, and on the US screen. I tried to lighten it up a little for ya!

BTW I know this isn't 100%. I've gotten a new a-hole torn from Thenest.com about it. But for now, calling the baby a He helps me bond a lot. And posts from this message board have pretty much killed my excitement and I've forgotten the morning all together. I don't think calling this a boy is the worst crime I could have commited
11 people that love me told me so:
WooHoo!! Congrats on your little boy!
Congratulations on your biy, wo exciting!!
Congrats on your little boy!!! Hope you are enjoying your time off work with the hubby! :)
He's beautiful! Congratulations!
YAY!!!! A boy! I was TERRIFIED to parent a boy, but we had and still do have SO much fun! He taught me how to make mud pies, appreciate worms, bugs, we go on walks..seriously SO much fun!
Anyone who is not being kind to you, can fuck off! This is YOUR pregnancy! they did not go through your first miscarriage, then losing baby A, YOU did! Your feelings are your feelings. Screw them! I'm really sorry they are being such dicks, I hope they realize how immature they're being.
Keep your chin up, love!
congrats on your baby boy! I'm having a boy as well! =)
I was told at my NT Scan that my baby was a boy ... and they were right! I almost got the same picture you did! So enjoy! Sure, it's not a 100%, but enjoy it!
One of my closest friends was also told at her 12 weeks NT scan that the tech was 90% sure it was a boy. She picked out a name, started registering, and then at her 20 week ultrasound...he turned into a girl! She was born two days after my DD...so I would definitely not be spreading the word that it is a boy just yet...but yay for a healthy baby!
Definitely would not go get blue yet! Our first had a "penis" too that turned out to be the cord.... That was at 16 weeks.... We had another US two weeks later, and there SHE was!!
Like a I said it's a boy til proven otherwise!
Congrats my cupcake!
I don't see anything wrong with calling it a boy at this point, just tell people not to buy anything blue until you've had a scan later in the pregnancy. I had an in depth scan at 13 weeks and was told I was having a boy as well. If you do some research about fetuses at that stage, you find that the girl parts are actually very swollen on the outside and look identical to a penis, which is why there are so many people who are told inaccurate information at 12 and 13 weeks gestation. Mine did end up being a girl...but you do have a 50/50 chance for a boy :).
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