Okay so here I am, TTC again....
I am currently reading Waiting For Daisy. Its about a women who is TTC in her 30s through cancer, infertility, miscarriages, and more. She talked about a friend who got whatever she wanted just by placing things on her bedside table. She explained that if you see it at night before you go to bed and in the morning when you wake up it like embeds in your brain or something like that :) so I took the liberty in rearranging my bed room and cleaning up my bedside table. Now at the moment I have my piggy bank that says Dreams Come True, my fertility saint medal, and my prenatal vitamins. I'm thinking about putting the adopt a doll on it that my mom have me that got her pregnant with me! Did I tell that story? My parents were infertile and then BAM! My mom got pregnant in March, 3 months after my dad gave her an adopt-a-doll for Christmas since they couldn't have a real baby. May be I should plant her right in the bed with me. She looks kinda creepy though...
BTW, I have 4 different pregnancy books, maternity pants and maternity shorts on s shelf in my closet. Should I 'come out of the closet'?
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The End
15 years ago